
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesdays are the other church day for most Baptist churches. It is true for us here. Our attendance is usually lower in some areas but is also higher in others. We also try out different things at the mid week time. This may be why these gatherings can be informal yet invaluable. I do not know when the tradition of the Wednesday meeting began. I just know that I cannot remember a time when there wasn't such an event. Much of what we do changed over the years. There will always be part of it that remains the same.

My memory does not include worship experiences for students while growing up. Maybe there were such things but my mind cannot recall any. There were at least forty if not fifty students in our building tonight for church. They at least allow me to stick my head in even at my age. We had at least as many in the student service as we did total last Sunday with winter weather. This is a reason to celebrate in my mind. You cannot just do the same stuff at every gathering any longer. Young people need a time set apart to do their thing. Losing this generation is not an option. The church cannot afford to relegate student ministry to second tier status. Our congregation will do all we can to enable young people to mature in their faith even if it is difficult.

We also do stuff for the school age children. Bragging on the people who work with these could never go overboard. My generation usually went to mission type studies on Wednesdays. I am grateful for all those adults taught me back then. Now you can do almost anything in children ministry. You just have to want to try to touch their lives. One of my most favorite times happens after their meeting ends. I make it a point to be in my office with the door open prior to the conclusion of the study. Some nights my office will fill up with quite a few children just wandering by here. I want them to have the idea that a minister is always available to them. They need a memory of someone willing to just sit or be silly with them. Maybe such an experience will stay with them as they get older.

We do two adult classes on Wednesdays. One is a bible study who is led by a gifted teacher in our congregation. My task is to lead prayer meeting for other adults. If you read here very much then you know my conviction that praying does matter. Some pastors will lead a study followed by a brief prayer time. Our purpose here is to dig into the needs of people who need intercession. I want it to be more than an organ recital where we hear about various ailments. We do have fun while working through this time of information. We also leave with a greater understanding of those on our prayer list. I can say with humility that we often hear of wonderful things happening in the lives of those in need. Gratitude is my most common emotion during this time. God never ceases to amaze me with answers to our requests.

Wednesday is always a good time for refreshing. My one complaint may be about how too many believers miss this opportunity to catch their spiritual breath. My spiritual journey is richer because of making time to refocus. One can only hope we continue to realize every chance we get to experience God's presence together.

Bro. Trey