Once again the blog went neglected over the last few days. This is never my intent but is the byproduct of several events coming together at once. One of my children is closing in on her graduation. She is to be congratulated for making Valedictorian of her class. The other child has a calendar full of activities to keep him busy through the end of school. These and other daily life stuff interfered in my writing. My bet is that the world of blogs did just fine without my presence. We never did get back to embellish on one of my posts from last week. Perhaps this week will allow some time to write more about preaching or similar matters. Don't get me wrong. I love being a dad with all of its activities. Just remember that there may be more occasions where the blog comes in second place to real life.
Not to sound redundant but this turned out to be a pretty good day. We did something unusual for us. This morning we celebrated the Lord's Supper in the service. Our normal schedule is to do this in the evening times. One of our members asked about doing it in a morning service so we gave it a shot. You just never know what to expect on any given Sunday morning here. Crowds can go from full to scattered within a week. It seemed to go well thanks to our guys who prepared then distributed the bread and juice. We also did baptism earlier in the service. This meant a rapid change of clothes in order to go from one significant moment to another. My day started with teaching a class prior to our worship time. You may can tell this causes a measure of stress on the minister. It was all worth it though as everything went smoothly. Our regular pianist is out today due to the death of her father in law. Some days just demand that you do your best while praying much for divine aid. I am grateful to God for guiding it all in a way that seemed pleasing to Him.
This evening we hosted a community Palm Sunday celebration. Our church began this a few years ago in hopes of bringing the various congregations together in the spring. Some of our efforts were more successful than others. Year one was good as out Pentecostal friends joined us. This year was great as two of our churches worshipped with us. My heart was encouraged listening to two other pastors read scripture and pray. I also made remarks but just to hear scripture read aloud did my heart good. Our singers also did a terrific job singing. It never hurts that my daughter was one of those who sang. Attendance is still not where we know it could be. My town has real difficulty gathering for anything but school related activities. My experience in other places was much better as far as crowds go. But you cannot convince me that this was not a great experience despite the empty seats. We also had food after the service ended. Count me as one who definitely ate too much.
My body is weary right now. I snuck in my three miles of walking/jogging this afternoon. Our house was filled all day with kids and friends. There was even some snuggle time this evening with my youngest. All of these factors go into this being a very good day. Next Sunday will be Easter. Hopefully it will not be quite as hectic as today. But we enjoy having kids or friends over to visit. I got through the morning without too many oops. Rest is a welcome experience after today. Sleep is a pretty good medicine for what ails you. It also helps knowing you did all you could for one day. So let the rest of the week get underway while the glow of Sunday still resides in the heart.
Bro. Trey
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