
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Seems like my summer keeps taking me into or through Dallas a lot so far.  I will be going back in about a week to see a movie with my daughter.  This comes after trips to see a play and a ballgame.  It is our day to watch the movie that must not be named.  Our adventure over the years will soon draw to a close.  I am very excited to be going on this trip.  We will get to watch the movie on an IMAX screen.  This is my first time to go to such a theater.  We began years ago in New Mexico on this journey.  Seems like a good idea to end it with a big finish.  We read all of the books and now we can say we saw all of the movies.  It may not sound like much but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

It still bothers me some that this series of books and films still fall on the controversial side.  I understand the hesitation but should we just always be afraid of anything that is different?  Don't get me wrong on this topic.  There are obviously some matters that are plain and clear to guard against in our spiritual life.  I am also very well aware of the admonition to avoid the appearance of evil.  It just strikes me that not everything in our world is always clear on this.  What do believers do when you encounter areas that are more grey than black or white?  Or is it ever right to do wrong?  Paul understood this tension when writing in Romans 14.  He knew not everyone has the same values as others.  People come to this relationship with God from all kinds of backgrounds.  We all live with varied experiences through life.  Even our path of discipleship will never be uniform with others.  God gives us different gifts, passions, and callings that are uniquely our own.  Again, what do we do?

We can begin by letting people be who they are.  This means we share a goal of being more like Jesus as each day passes.  How each of us arrive at that point may look very different to our individual path.  We tend to get bent out of shape over these differences when it is all God's design.  Our personality may be in conflict with how another believer is wired.  Paul reminds us that not everyone is at the same level we are whether that is good or bad.  Sometimes fellow followers can do things we may not like nor understand.  All of us have our self imposed list of those things a Christian should or should not do.  Our problem is that we use that list to separate ourselves from those who are not as spiritual as we.  Scripture does not indicate that disobedience is ever acceptable.  But it does serve as a reminder that legalism is no replacement for grace.  Someone may read books we don't like.  Some may see movies which we avoid.  Some may struggle with habits we deem to be less than holy.  Here is a hint to all of this.  None of are perfect.  When you really know this truth then you are one step closer to living with grace. 

I look forward to going to the movies with my daughter.  Our years of reading and watching allowed us many times to talk about things of faith.  We learned how to look beyond the surface of a story to find deeper truth.  You could say we grew up together through this ritual.  We will never be able to do sit in a theater to see how the story goes.  Not everyone may understand or approve.  What is true is our relationship is stronger for all of this.  Our ability to grasp spiritual insight grew in all of this.  That is more than enough for me. 

Bro. Trey