Do we forget from year to year just how tiring Christmas can become? Maybe it is only me that tends to forget this. The holidays sure seem to move at a different pace than does the rest of the year. Maybe our wishes for peace on earth should be replaced with more rest between our escapades out and about? One of the extra pressures of this year is the success of our local school football team. You may recall that it is my job to video the games for the coaches to review later. They play again tomorrow evening which puts me again on the road. Our guys are in the playoffs so one loss means the end of the season. Maybe the main motivation for hoping we keep winning is that the final game will be played at Cowboys Stadium. It would be fun to crawl around the upper levels to get a great view from on high.
It does occur to me that much of my next few weeks will be in the hands of teenage guys who may or may not decide to give their best. That can be as depressing as it may be exciting. I will just continue to make my shopping trips fit into however the schedule goes. One good thing about traveling with my youngest during this time of the year is we get to sing Christmas songs together. We do make quite the duet while listening to the radio. Today was one of those days with a few errands to run so we did some singing along the way. It does lift my spirits when we enjoy our outings. My mind can even put aside another long drive to the game tomorrow.
Everyone needs to find ways to enjoy these next few weeks. There are too many underlying pressures that can stress us out if we don't. I like to watch people when out shopping. It does give me some hope that my weirdness is not so dreadful. I also enjoy watching kids get all excited when they see toys and such. The one problem with that is when the parents remind them of the need to wait until Christmas. Expressions of happiness tend to dissolve into an abundance of tears then. Another thing that helps me is to treat myself while getting presents for others. Just seems to me that if you fight the crowds at the store that you deserve some type of reward. Any attempt to be out this time of the year that does not end with a trip to the emergency room is worthy of some prize.
It may feel like our time belongs to others during Christmas. We may find that it is more than a feeling but a reality. Be sure you create time to get your heart ready for the holiday. How amazing is it that we end up being more exhausted than excited over the birth of Jesus? Money may not be the most important thing you use over the next month. Time may be much more valuable than anything else. God gives us the gift of each day for it to matter. Don't let your time become divorced from His heart. Remaining close to God may be the very best gift you can give yourself and others.
Bro. Trey
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