This was my night to be the church "principal." Our students needed an adult to hang around so I volunteered to do it. We also have our younger kids working on Christmas music for Sunday. It seemed a good idea to wander around to ensure the safety of the rest of us. I really enjoyed hanging with the students. Age is a factor for me now but it was still fun. Sometimes you can forget that you are half a hundred instead of being young. No amount of exercise will ever alter your birth date on the drivers license. Being older seems to matter less to the younger children. I do seem to be moving from a father figure to a grandfather figure though.
One of the students taught in the main group. He did a great job. I listened intently to the theology as well as the meaning of his message. Both were right on target. They do use the computer far more than me for putting up various photographs and the like. They tell me that it really is not that difficult to incorporate technology into messages. My guess is they don't know how little talent I have in that area. There was even a time to interact with the speaker. The good news is that you could tell some were listening closely. Others were off in their own world but it did seem like most were paying close attention. Guess students hearing studies or adults listening to sermons really are not that much different.
Our younger ones will sing on Sunday night. I suggested a bit of a dress rehearsal on Sunday morning so that will be fun. Maybe it will help them get over any anxiety from just doing it once. Teachers of young children in church should earn a special reward in heaven. Most of our kids are wonderful. My day is made brighter from spending time with them. I guess there will always be a few that God uses to keep us humble. My only issue is how many will grow up to become adults that try our patience? I sometimes wonder what childhood issues are at the root of difficult grown ups. There is a question that will keep you up at night.
Churches do not always appreciate ministry to those still in school. Kids of all shapes and sizes can be loud and messy. Almost none of them have any clue as to how a church should operate. I think that can be a good thing in the long run. Most of their theology is that God loves them so much that Jesus came into our world. They have many more questions than answers. All this means is that their minds are not made up or closed to new growth. Rules and regulations do not hinder their faith anywhere near to the degree that we adults tend to allow. We may fear raw honesty but they jump in with both feet at full blast. We should all live a faith so reckless and daring. I am glad my job was to wander around tonight. Sometimes my old, tired faith needs a new perspective. Thank goodness for the young.
Bro. Trey
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