
Monday, January 09, 2012

Far too many of these posts begin by mentioning one day or the other.  You can read too often about Sunday nights on here.  Blame that on lazy writing.  But be warned that this post will relate to Monday as the point of reference.  Some of this is probably due to the already mentioned lazy aspect.  Part of this is just because it is Monday.  Today is my Saturday in relation to how most people live.  It is another strange part of my job.  Days like this one matter greatly in recovering a sense of balance.  Getting older just means that having down time is even more important than in my younger years.  My views on Monday is not that unusual.  I heard a pastor of a very large church once mention how he limited his activity to a few isolated tasks due to the weekend push.  My goal is to always find normal again.

Think about it like this.  Sunday is the time when the minister speaks for God at least once.  Most days there are important meetings between or before services.  Your job is to speak a divine message whether or not anyone listens.  You are asked to make big decisions that may arise without warning.  Every eye is upon you for a few hours that day.  By your own admission there are eternal decisions to be made by your words.  All of the hours of research come together once if not twice.  Every ounce of your energy is poured out in words or actions.  All of this can feed the ego if not careful.  Some ministers forget they are not God along the way.  Monday is a good day to recapture your humanity.  If you forget that you are a human being then you really are in spiritual danger.

My mind is usually blank after Sunday so it feels good to do the humdrum stuff of life.  Today was a day to work on the house in preparation for an event later this month.  Laundry called for my attention as usual.  There was some time to do some reading but it was just for fun.  Exercise is always welcome on a Monday.  I try to do some running on Sunday afternoon like I did yesterday.  People my age need to get out to stretch so gravity doesn't completely take over.  It is not that there is a refusal to work on Monday.  There are times when visits or other issues call for my attention no matter the level of fatigue.  But if you can haul off the trash with a sense of duty then you may be better equipped for the big sermon or meeting.  Every follower of Jesus needs to grasp the concept of renewing the mind and body so you can continue to grow.

One of my favorite authors wrote a book entirely devoted to keeping your life fresh.  Some of my observations even made the final work which surprised me.  His point is that even Jesus took time to step back from simply being busy.  Another writer reminds me that Jesus enjoyed going to parties.  You read of his being at various celebrations during his life.  Obviously there are some who attend church that may not do enough for whatever reason.  My point is not to applaud apathy but to argue for balance.  Remember that is God who works through you.  A broken down you does not leave much room for that miracle to occur.  You may not need a whole day to recover but you do need time.  Learn to enjoy the recharging of your batteries so your heart can expand even further.  You may find the rest of your week having more room for God to work.

Bro. Trey