
Monday, December 26, 2011

Ever notice how a rainy day may be acceptable on Christmas but it lacks something any other time?  The weather was well onto the dreary side today.  Rain, cold and just the general yuck stuck around.  It didn't seem to curb the enthusiasm on Christmas day but it was far less attractive today.  Luckily there was no traveling to be done so indoors was the best option.  Presents are slowly being put in their place for use.  I was able to do a few housekeeping chores.  Me and my youngest will probably head out tomorrow to start using various gift cards.  That should go well but you never know.  One can hope the crowds in the stores will all be back to work. 

My son provided most of the entertainment during the opening of presents.  We did that on Saturday night since my schedule called for work the next day.  He was the one to organize the packages into stacks for each of us.  At least he waited until the evening which called for a lot of patience for him.  Once the gifts were distributed then it was his time.  He did something different this year from other times.  It appeared as if he was going through the obvious clothes boxes first.  The usual approach is to open those presents that he knows contain the big gifts of the year.  Maybe he is learning to save the best for last.  He finally reached those last three boxes which made his night.  All of this took less than seven minutes to complete.  I know because my eyes were watching the clock.  Weeks of waiting took only minutes to unveil.  We all just sat back to observe his attack.  Safety means not getting in his way.

We do tend to hurry through the holidays.  I wrote enough about that to just leave it there.  But just remember that what we celebrate is for more than one day.  Our purpose is to discover what God does in Jesus for everyday of every year.  He is as real in January as December 25.  God's presence can reach us in the summer just as it did to the shepherds in the birth story.  Peace and grace are part of our daily resource as we journey in life.  You can read of Mary pondering all that she heard and saw in Luke 2.  That is how we make the meaning of the holiday last.  Learn to reflect daily on who God wants to be to us.  Find what God has in store for each day.  Stop long enough to listen for His voice.  Joy is not meant to be occasional.  It can guide your heart each day you let Jesus break into your world.  It may not always be Christmas but it can always be a day where you find God drawing close.  Surely that is worth celebrating?

Bro. Trey