You may remember that one of my new favorite programs is Doctor Who that plays on BBC America. I remember the show from my growing up days but these are very different. It's a bit of science fiction along with other odds and ends worked into it. Reports are that it is now one of the most popular shows in England much less here in the states. I stumbled onto it about three months ago on what had to be a boring day. Not many programs grab my attention but when they do it is total. For me it is a time to escape into the exploits of the characters. Being a series about time travel means you can do just about anything in a plot. Being able to reserve logic is a huge factor in just accepting the storyline. It's just one of the many weird things about me it seems.
The series originate in England about forty years ago. It would run on PBS in my growing up years. I know that I tried to watch it then but gradually moved along to other things. 2005 is the year someone brought it back after a few years away. Much of the core remained but lots of bells and whistles were added. Now it is a global phenomena with fans across the globe. Remember that it is a British series with actors who speak proper English. Also recall that my native tongue is American with Texan thrown into the mix. One temptation is to think my voice can sound remotely British. That just will not ever happen. My guess is that even my attempts at sounding like a proper Englishman would still be tainted with that Texan twang. Surely that cannot sound remotely appealing.
One short point tonight in the post. No, it's not about the Doctor. How do we learn to speak God's language? This crossed my mind last week even though it was left out of the message. The answer is we learn to listen to God speak to us so we can discover how to communicate. Getting into God's word will help us talk more like Him. We learn what He values. We discover how He operates. Our very nature becomes more in line with who He is. God speaks our language if we listen close. What we gain changes who we are and then how we live. Programs can come and go over time. What we become because of God speaking to us lasts for an eternity. We could use a little more divine language in our world of strife. Just know that only those of us who know God can ever inject those thoughts into our reality today.
Bro. Trey
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