
Friday, February 03, 2012

My daughter is joining the wild world of blogging.  It is a requirement for one of her journalism classes in college.  She writes about one time per week on average.  I really don't know what the focus of the project is all about.  But it does give me a glimpse into what is happening in her world.  This may not be something she continues after the end of the class but she does show a flair for writing.  Today she wrote about missing home.  It really was a great piece even with my being biased.  My first response was to send her a text message telling her that I missed her also.  Her brother also misses her.  It may not show up constantly but you can tell if you look and listen.  Life changes when your child goes off to school.  There is that ongoing drumbeat of pride but also the emptiness of being away.

So what do I miss about my daughter being away?
...I miss all of the friends coming over at odd hours that keeps us entertained.
...I miss going to church with her especially when she sings with me.
...I miss just catching up for a few while lounging around together.
...I miss doing the goofy stuff around the house.
...I miss being a dad on a daily basis with her.

The list could go on endlessly but you get the picture.  I told her when she left that her going to school would also be good for me.  Time passed far too fast but nothing is as valuable as those first eighteen years.  God truly blessed me with a terrific daughter.  She was and still is well worth the wait.  One can only hope more people can appreciate every gift of God that comes along.  Gratitude is a trait worth developing.  You know your focus is less on your talent and more on God's grace.  What you gain in being grateful makes any heartache worthwhile.  That is something we can all use a bit more in our world.

Bro. Trey