Peyton Manning is a model of class and character. This may not mean much to you but it matters to sports fans. It should matter to more than the casual fan as he expressed such class today as he said goodbye to his former team. Let me remind you of a few things if you are climbing out from under a rock. His fourteen years of playing football so far leave him with enough records to enter the Hall of Fame. He is leaving the Colts for any number of reasons and will most probably play for another team next year. Some of this is due to money. Some of it is because of his aging and injuries. He said farewell to his past this afternoon. Words cannot describe my admiration for both what he said and how he said it. But this is not just about athletics or athletes. His behavior is something we could all wish to emulate.
I just finished reading of a high school playoff game where the fans of one team chanted racial slurs at the other. This took place in our "christian" state of Texas. We can read or watch the news daily where so called adults persist in all types of ugly behavior. Parents do things no child would be allowed to do. Politicians who are to be leaders get exposed for unspeakable and just idiotic acts. Churches are no safe haven either in this area. How many business meetings look like they should be held in a steel cage? Being civil is not a trait much appreciated in our world. Here is one reason why I wanted to cheer hearing Manning be so gracious in his exit. There is no doubt he deals with some hard feelings now. He wants to keep playing but it will not be for the organization he carried by himself for over a decade. Why is it that it takes an athlete to remind me of what being classy is all about?
We choose our character. God does indeed wire us in differing ways but we can make the decision about our behavior. He promises to infuse us with grace to change how we go about our lives. Being filled with the Spirit is much more than how loud we yell or carry on in church. It demands we reflect the personality of our Savior. Could it be that God is less impressed with our theology or our ecstasy and focuses on our character? Far too many believers live with a rock solid theology but cannot build healthy relationships with others. Something is tragically missing in that situation. Eleanor Roosevelt remarked that no person could make her behave badly as it was her choice. She would like Peyton Manning. You will never convince me that theology should not lead to being a class act. Not all of us may be gifted with a warm personality. We can all depend on God to help us improve. May we all learn how to be gracious and classy with God and with one another.
Bro. Trey
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