Tonight was a good time to slip into my son's room as he drifted off to sleep. I spent a few minutes just watching him until he decided that was enough. So it was time for one last kiss before he fell asleep. I still do that even though he turns 16 on Thursday. Dad's have that right as long as they can get away with it. My mind cannot fathom he will be in the midst of his teenage years in a few days. Seems like yesterday that he came barreling into our world. No one knew that first night of his autism. That discovery would come a few years later. He looked like any other healthy baby boy that evening. Hopes were high for whatever his future would hold. Those hopes still remain.
Some wonder how it is to be the parent of a special needs child. There are no guidelines no matter how many books you may read. Every child is unique and this includes those with special needs. Some suffer from severe disabilities. Others have much milder symptoms. Mine is somewhat in the middle. He is smart. God knows he can communicate when he feels like it. We are fortunate in that he does not mind being touched or hugged. There are times he needs some encouragement that way but it happens. No book or resource can do more than offer suggestions for any child whether healthy or disabled. God still makes everyone in individual fashion. This dad feels very blessed to have his son no matter the problems.
Not everyone understand the unusual demands on occasion. How my time gets spent is somewhat dependent on his schedule. He does do some church stuff with me from time to time. A few people have the experience of him joining me to visit the hospital. He is much better at doing this with me than when he was young. One of the motives is him getting to be in charge of the elevator. You never know how pushing those buttons can assist in a kid being better behaved. God brought him into this world for a divine reason. My life is beyond wealth because he is my best buddy. We laugh. We do silly stuff. We are a team. I am going to enjoy his birthday. But be sure that I celebrate each day we have together.
Bro. Trey
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