Let's talk about houses this evening. Don't ask me why this is the topic of choice. It just kinda turned out that way. Maybe it's because I am in my twelfth of living in my current home. Obviously it is not mine but it is still where I reside. No matter how much yard work or house work gets done by me it will not alter the fact it belongs to other people. Time does move quickly when thinking about all of the years spent there. Twelve years is the longest time spent in any one residence since my growing up years. That could contribute to my thinking tonight. Both of my children now experienced the same amount of time as I in one place. Funny how your mind works when you just go with it.
I still remember my home growing up. There are times my travels take me by it for one reason or the other. Now its been 33 years since the last time I was inside it. Memories do tend to be stubborn things on occasion. Images are growing more and more fuzzy over time but most of the house is still halfway vivid in my mind. The most obvious memory is of my room when young. For years the walls were pink and the floors were black and white tiles. Could be a reason for my odd personality to be sure. It was formerly a garage before the enclosing. There was a lot of room for a growing boy to be active. One drawback is it was at the far end of the house with the bathrooms. You had a long walk to get to the other end of the house. This was a small price to pay for enjoying the space. Sometimes my mind will wander back to hold onto the memories of each part of the house. Perhaps most of us do that with our homes.
Like we said, my children have the same amount of time in this house as I did with mine. This will probably be the house they remember in their adulthood. Maybe someone else will live their by then. One can only hope their memories will be pleasant to recall. There are a few who get to hold onto a house along with their experiences of the past. The past just weaves into the present. Grandchildren run in the same hallways as their parents once did. Holidays come and go with years of tradition displayed around a house. Houses do matter.
I have no idea what our eternal home will be like. Some glimpses are given without much definition. We do have a promise of an eternal dwelling place. Even our earthly homes are far more temporary than heaven. Maybe our minds should not be too consumed with that future but it matters. But we can rest in that given truth. Memory will someday give way to that awesome reality. That is something worth always remembering.
Bro. Trey
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