Returning to the blog world isn't easy after being away a few days. Last week revolved around getting everything my daughter took to college back home. We really did well in the packing and loading. It was the aftermath as usual that took its toll. Then school was out on Friday for whatever reason. My youngest and I spent that day together even though yard mowing was on the agenda. Everything seemed off for those few days. Let it be know that we are a creature of habit for the most part. At least that project is behind me. There are more than a few waiting on me over the next week.
Today was all about the words of Jesus in John 15. This is the time when He talks about what it means to truly please God. We often let our minds determine our own value on such matters. Odds are good most people who go to church live with the mindset they are successful when perhaps we miss the point. Jesus took up some strange language to talk about how we make a life that counts. Vines and fruit take center stage when it comes to this passage. You should realize there is no limit to the message or the application to His words. What is really being said is that when we reproduce the character or personality of Jesus then we are at our best in pleasing Him. Churches often take up other priorities rather than this singular focus. God seeks to take all of us to shape our likeness into that of Jesus. It may sound rather simple but be sure it is not easy.
We make two mistakes when it comes to serious spiritual growth. The first one is we get caught up in being moved more by personality than character. We simply look to someone or something to come along and rescue us. The more charismatic a person is will often lead to our devotion. That is a huge trap that stifles real maturity. Long term success is evaluated much more on our character than how flashy we may be. The other mistake is we equate being a good church member with being a follower of Jesus. This is like putting the cart before the horse. One huge reason for the demise of church life is our attention becomes set on making rules rather than building a relationship with God. Those first followers were intentionally working at being disciples prior to becoming a congregation. This is why they exploded both in numbers and in changing the world. No other option is really valid than this.
Somewhere along the line we lost that central idea of being more like Jesus. It may sound like a cliche but it still matters. Going through the motions was not something God really intended in this thing called being a Christian. I fully realize we say that often but do we get the hint? To bring glory to God is at the best of our spiritual purpose. It isn't something we do by ourselves. How this happens will take another post or two to answer. Just be absolutely sure that you are loved by God to do more than take up space on a pew. Besides, don't you want to do more than that?
Bro. Trey
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