
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Writing a weekly column may be the way to go.  Pulling together my thoughts one time per week saves my brain cells which I do need.  You can expect this week will also be short on writing.  My daughter heads back to college on Thursday so there are a few loose ends to tie up still.  We will try to get at least one more post up over the next few days.  Summer is normally the season to relax and regroup for the year.  The last few weeks wound up being far more hectic that anticipated.  Life, death and all in between are conspiring to keep me away from sharing any creative thought.  I really believe that I met myself coming and going this past week.  That may not sound like much but just know that it does make for a complicated experience.

One of my favorite people was laid to rest this past week.  His was a full life that ended in his 93rd year.  I got to visit him a few days prior to his death.  We had a good visit or at least it was in my mind.  Finding the words to say at a service like that is both easy yet difficult.  You hope your life writes its own eulogy over the years.  That means you live well not just long.  Words of comfort are evident yet you still realize there may not be words that can convey a man's journey.  Time just simply does not allow for you to touch on each avenue of his existence.  Any attempt at being eloquent honestly pales in comparison with the life modeled by such a person.  So you pray much while depending on God to say something through you to weave every thread of their story together.  

I also got away today for the retirement party for my friend at the church where I grew up.  Just sneaking away was good.  Getting to see old friends was even better.  The auditorium of my youth is now a large fellowship hall.  Funny how that building seemed so big when I was young.  Some of my friends either moved back over the years or never left in the first place.  Count me as one who enjoys the visits but has no need to reside there.  What is past remains but time marches on for us all.  Just having a few hours to hug, talk, laugh and catch up works for me.  Some of those people mean the world to me in terms of the person I am now.  My life is better because of them and also for my short return to home.

My one hope is for some rain from the forecasts this week.  I would do a rain dance if it wouldn't scare precipitation away.  Sure would be good if it rained more than I got around to writing here.  It may even be better for us in the long run.

Bro. Trey