
Sunday, October 28, 2012

I do not know if surprises really make my day.  You want to be open to whatever comes along but if you expect something different then can it be a real surprise?  I really did not see the Pastor Appreciation moment coming.  I had no idea it was even on the radar.  So let me just say thank you for those who shared kind words with me today.  You do not know how much they mean to me.  This surprise is one that made my day. 

Such a moment helps when the weekend goes so long.  Various things led to my son and I being home alone since Saturday.  We were in town running errands when we got the news of our freedom.  The only problem was when we arrived home every door was locked.  This meant finding a window I could open to slip inside.  My youngest was extremely eager to play a new game so his patience simply did not exist.  We survived the crisis then unlocked doors so the experience would not be duplicated.  We did get out for more errands today without major issues.  Now all are in their places in the quiet of the evening.

We wrapped up our study tonight with a reflection on the basic ideas of resolving conflict.  I do not know how this relates to anything but maybe it is worth sharing.  Years of experience tell me that three key truths are needed if there is any hope to resolve conflict.  One simple thing is to want to find resolution.  That sounds painfully simple but most never get that.  Some want to win the argument.  Others want to put another person down in shame.  Then there are those who grow comfortable in perpetual conflict.  If an individual does not desire a resolution then it will never happen.  Another truth is you have to admit where you are wrong.  That can almost be impossible for some to do.  This may not have to do with the core of the issue at all.  You can be right in substance yet wrong in behavior or heart.  Admitting our faults does not come easy to humanity.  The last requirement is for a person to desire that right relationship with God whatever the cost.  How far are you willing to go in order to remain holy or keep that divine integrity about you?  Never let being right about something be an excuse for ungodly behavior.

Now there are many other factors involved in healthy relationships.  These three truths may not be the only ones needed to bring resolution.  But they seem to me as essential to growth as any other idea.  Sometimes resolution is hard if not painful due to the topic or the other person.  I do get that loud and clear.  Just do not let what God may want to do in His grace be hindered by your attitude.  He doesn't always start with the other person.  He may wish to start with you.

Bro. Trey