
Monday, July 15, 2013

What are you to do when God takes an idea then blesses it beyond expectation?  That is what a group of us struggled with tonight.  You know our recent community services went far better than I could imagine.  Records may not be broken in terms of attendance and such but my view is there is a dent being made through our gathering.  What seemed to me to be a simple idea for getting through the summer became far more than that.  Now do not read this and take away the wrong conclusion.  In no way could I ever begin to take any credit for this outcome.  No person can ever do that in times when God exceeds our expectations.  Well, no right thinking person could do that.  If you ever have God moments and do not end up humble then you got it all wrong.

We do not normally have many such experiences.  To be honest, the odds are against us in this world.  That thought seldom crosses our mind but it is true.  We live in a world that is in constant rebellion against God.  To be a believer is to swim upstream against the tide.  Sin lurks everywhere we look.  Suffering is part of the give and take of this world.  Evil continues to expose more of its ugliness each passing day.  This is not to limit God on what He can or cannot do.  We just need to keep both realities in focus.  How ironic is it that a world created by the power and the grace of God would rebel against its creator?  We do not throw up our hands in defeat but we can keep striving to be part of what God would want to do.

Believers live in two worlds.  One is God's great creation with the hope of redemption personally and collectively.  The other world is this ugly place where people continue to make wrong choices.  Humanity can easily be swept up in the wake of such insanity.  Fairness is a foreign concept in such a reality.  Now you know why grace is the great equalizer along with being our best hope.  Nothing can make a mark in our life like grace.  Nothing is more rare in our world than grace.  People do not know what to do with grace when it is offered.  Most are happier trying to make their own path while playing by their own rules.  Let no person get in the way of such an individual.  Wreckage from such a collision can be traumatic.

So let's return to the original question.  What do you do when God does something in His power.  Our first solution is to pray for His direction.  That sounds like doing nothing but it is indeed doing a lot.  One of the prayers is to be ready to act as we find His will.  We also felt a great deal of humility about the recent days.  My view is that humility which leads to obedience is crucial.  Odds are also good it will call for deeper examination of our walk with God.  Getting out of His way can only lead to a greater sense of His presence.  No human being is perfect.  To let God be God is one of our best remedies for our sinfulness.  That would seem to be the most natural desire for a believer.  Maybe it will become much more the norm than the exception.

Bro. Trey