
Sunday, January 05, 2014

Our extended run with the holidays is just about over.  I will miss all of the activity but too much of a good thing can still be bad.  My youngest tells me that we are back to "normal."  Only time can tell if that really is a step in the right direction.  Let me start by catching up on a few things rather than tackling one long post.  We can then get back to our usual routine.

  • Global warming may indeed be real but it surely doesn't feel like it now.  Our weather is not helping us deal with the flu or any other bug going around.  We used to just have cold fronts that were either from the arctic or the pacific.  Now we endure "polar vortexes."  That is simply a cold front with an agent.  Just be sure this will pass soon.
  • Cleaning after the holidays takes longer and longer.  I started last Wednesday only to finish yesterday.  Actually, there is a bit more to put away but at least the bulk is behind me.  We have five different seasons packed away in buckets for each year.  Christmas is by far the one that takes up the most space.  It rates at least a ten on the back ache range.
  • I saw where a current movie set a record for the most swearing in a film.  Who actually keeps up with such trivia?  What is the reward for being the most graphic in language during a movie?  My thought is a news note such as this cannot speak well of us in the world today. 
  • Most everyone around here knows by now that I met Uncle Si from "Duck Dynasty" last week.  My sister got a photograph of us together.  He seems genuinely nice from all I can tell.  He didn't talk much no matter how much I tried.  Most times when encountering someone famous it is my habit to leave them in peace.  My resolve broke down this occasion so I could get a picture with him.  It does make me a popular guy in my small town.
  • Today was my best sermon of the year.  It was of course my only sermon of the calendar year.  Thank goodness for that.  Maybe they will improve greatly past what today became.  Some days you just don't seem to have your best stuff.  I know that there were times in my limited pitching experience that everything worked great.  Other games would be hard as nothing worked.  Today was toward that latter area on the spectrum.  It is my great hope that next week will be the best sermon of the year.  It almost has to be just that.
We will return as soon as possible with our typical approach to writing.  It may not be fancy but it is mine. 

Bro. Trey