
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Writers go on and on about it.  Songwriters sing countless songs about it.  Scientists even study it in various ways.  Love still works as one thing we cannot wrap our mind around.  It is a simple four letter word but there is no end to our thinking, writing, or singing about it.  Is it any wonder that this single idea drives much of our profound musings these days.  We all reflect on it but God is the only one so far who seems to give it definition.  Scripture is a testimony to His heart toward us.  There are more pages than not in the Bible that mention it.  Cupid perhaps shot an arrow but he still falls short of this incredible and divine passion.

John 3:16 is our starting point each Sunday in May.  Our goal is to spend time each week working through some aspect of this most quoted statement.  I still contend that we may be able to quote it but that is no guarantee we really understand it.  How can we if the hurts of the past drive our decisions or destinies today?  How can it when people do not allow this love to transform our temperaments?  How can it when we are stuck in the same old status quo rather than embracing our potential?  Most of our problems arise from not knowing love while still quoting its most famous verse.  We think we are so smart when we are blind to the damage around us.  Love really is all we need but it must be genuine and original with God.

Someday we may realize that love is action and attitude.  We may come to grips with the toughness of love that goes beyond the usual Hallmark card poetry.  Jesus will express that truth in how He lives and dies.  God cares enough to send His son to save us even though we are so far from deserving.  How often our hearts feel as if we are forgotten while the cross stands as reminder of God's heart.  That love is not a small trickle or shower but it is a flood to overflow our life.  What would happen to our life should we ever comprehend that truth?  We would become different people once we said yes to that love.  We may not know it but our great need is to center our world in light of that love.  Start today or tomorrow by taking it a step at a time.  None of this may happen over night but it can take place.  The real question is not whether or not God loves you but did you accept that love?  My hope is we do at least a little better with it than we are now.

Bro. Trey