
Thursday, December 14, 2006

I want to say a huge thank you for everyone who helped us get through the past week. You went above and beyond the call of duty even with broken hearts. There is no doubt the last few days drained many of us in everyway. Once again, many of you stepped up to reach out in ministry to those who are grieving. Thank you for being you.

There is a gentle reminder I need to say. Yes, our Tatum Eagles play for another state title this Saturday night in Aledo. Yes, I will be there doing my job in the pressbox. But I will also be here on Sunday morning for the Christmas music. We can do both this weekend.

Like I said last Sunday our Lord is #1. Win or lose on Saturday the answer will be the same. Christmas says Jesus is #1. I hope and pray we never lose sight of that.

Bro. Trey