I'm back. I did not intend to be away from the blog for a week. Seems like since my last entry that life moved at an accelerated rate. No sooner did I blog on the astronaut than another event took center stage. The tragic death of a model is still taking up time and space in the media. That is not the reason for the slow down here. Life itself became a fast forward version of what it normally is. If you are like me, it is difficult enough to keep up on a normal level. When life goes to high speed then it is every person for himself!
I would need to go back and look at my planner to see where I've been since last Wednesday. There have been meetings that needed attending. Last week saw every night filled with some type of outing. Monday was the day I went to my son's evaluation at school. I can report that it was a much better meeting than I can remember having. I also keep coaching my little girl's basketball team. We have a perfect record! It's just too bad none of the games include a win. Yesterday I went with a group of ladies to eat in Longview. Our Friendship Class goes on monthly outings. They are wonderful company to spend time with at lunch. Last night I went to Arp for the high school basketball game. Though we lost it was really a fun time. I sat with two men who were not from Tatum. At halftime, one of them bought drinks for us all. I finally made it home late. Today was picture taking with our state champion football team. I think I feel fatigued just looking back.
One of my core beliefs is that our God is more than interested in daily life. My view is not of a distant diety who watches with mild concern about our world. I don't know about you but I want and need a God who is involved as I go about life. Just as there is no issue so big that God cannot handle it, there is nothing so small that He does not care. Many believers can quote the verses of God's watching over the sparrow. The problem is do they understand how much more He cares for His own? When we get a grasp of God's daily involvement then there is nothing we do that is beyond Him. A school meeting is an opportunity for His involvement. A lunch gathering is time for God to work in conversations. Even a basketball game can be a time for building relationships or refreshing the heart. Let Him into your daily life. Learn to enjoy His "daily bread." Listen in the traffic of life for His voice. Look forward to Him reminding you that He is here and He still cares.
Bro. Trey
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