
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The holiday season is now in full swing. This year it began around Labor Day. We are now in the home stretch that takes us into the new year. On Friday the newspapers will double in size with advertisements for all the big sales of the day. We will eat too much during the next few weeks. Chances are we will be caught up in travel that mirrors a NASCAR race before we are done. Lists are being created for presents to be bought. We may find ourselves in near violent struggles to be sure we get that gift before someone else does. Ah, don't you love the finer points of the season? No wonder some turn into Grinches before all is said and done.

My holidays officially began today. It was the day to put lights up on the house. The first time this happened my focus was more on not falling than hanging lights. Now I can scoot along the roof like Spiderman. All went well until my daughter hooked the lights to the extension cord. Seems the cord weighs more than the lights. Ever see lights go off a house like dominoes falling? All I could do was to hang them again. This time the duct tape went along the line of the house to hold the lights. When the task was almost completed the bells from the church began to ring. They ring out Christmas music now. It was really nice until I noticed the neighborhood dogs singing along. Not sure a stranger duet was ever heard.

What are you doing now to get ready for the holidays? It really isn't enough to survive them though that can be difficult as it is. My hope is you make time in a crowded schedule to keep your spiritual life alive. It never ceases to amaze me how fast we can turn loose of our spiritual habits during this holy season. We get so busy doing Christmas stuff we wander from our relationship with God. Add to that the stresses of travel, purchases, or being with people that we aren't crazy about and it nudges us from our faith. Make time no matter how busy to rediscover the marvel of the first Christmas story. Find a quiet place where you can pray without distractions. Do something out of the ordinary that brings you into a closer walk with God.

Don't let your lights fall off this holiday time. Keep them shining in your heart as well as your life. Open yourself to all God has for you during this special time of the year.

Bro. Trey