Am I scared? Seems like a good question for the 250th post on this blog. I have to admit to having anxiety tonight. I spent the day with my youngest. My hope is his time was as good as mine. I guess the problem lies with wondering about the future. What happens to him as well as other family and friends should my time ultimately be shorter than the norm? There is still no doubt in my mind that what awaits us is far beyond what we have now. But there are still small wake up calls along the way.
It is an odd thing that people who believe in heaven as we do can become so enamored with life in the here and now. My thought is that it is all part of being human and alive. Healthy people can reach out to connect to those around them. When you are comfortable in your relationship with God it allows you to build deep ties with people in your circle. We are wired to live in wonderful dependence on family and friends. I am grateful for all of mine. That is probably the source of tonight's anxiety attack.
Being honest about anxiety is the best way to overcome it. Fear tends to like the dark and unexamined places of our heart. Fear likes to confront us about our reality by posing the question of what if. Fear will not fight fairly because it is based on untruth. It cannot stand in the light because it is exposed for the coward that it is. It cannot cause any damage beyond what we may allow to occur. Admitting anxiety is the first step toward a solution.
True love casts out fear. Begin with the love God pours out to your life in order to squash those emotions. Remind yourself that He will not do anything in your life that He does not have the capacity to handle. It is not about you but God. The old hymn says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." Reclaim that hold God places on us in Jesus. If you can trust Him for heaven when you die then you can do the same until He calls you home.
Bro. Trey
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