Let me officially proclaim this a good day. Seems to me that since it is my life that I can make such declarations. The day went very smooth plus I got lots of laundry done. Today was my fourth day in a row exercising so it was a tad tough but mission still accomplished. Looks like we may get needed rain next week so perhaps there is some time for me on the mower coming up. Our senior adults had their gathering tonight. The food was very good and the entertainment was even better. Finally, "our" team won their baseball game this evening. This will be a big series of games over the weekend so winning the first one helps. All that is left is to knock out my sermon outline for Sunday and we can put today behind us.
There was one emotional moment for me today. My son and I were just being goofy this afternoon when the feelings hit. He was listening along with singing to the musical "Wicked." This is the show we saw in Dallas back in June. We went on a Saturday prior to my first treatment the following Monday. That was also officially a great day. So as we are singing along today the emotions just ran me over. Tears began to build up then my voice cracked just a bit. Now this wasn't a bad thing just unexpected. My mind just went back to our day at the theater while the impact just took over. We hugged and I went on my way before things really broke down.
Is it so awful to feel so strongly about something that it moves you to tears? Jim Valvano died several years ago from my disease in a much different form. Just a few months prior to his passing he said that each day you should laugh some as well as cry some. Have something in your life worth moving you to tears. Usually our tears come from selfish means. We get mad or sad about things we want to control. But how often do we get moved in our emotions because we care so deeply about that which is important? My autistic son moves me often to grand emotions. Most of those emotions are joy and laughter. Today just happened to be a moment where all of my affection for him short circuited my normal calm.
A mother in the Dallas area was moved emotionally this week. She had two children under the age of five who were autistic. The past tense is used for a good reason. Seems that she grew weary of caring for those two innocent children so she simply took their life from them. One of her statements was to the effect that she wanted a "normal" life. That life will now probably be behind bars for the remainder of her life. Events like this make me terribly sad. Odds are good that such actions will be forever beyond my ability to understand. The answer to the questions of how and why just escape me.
May we grow in life to the place where we can be moved to tears over things that matter. Let's define that as those things that matter to the heart of God. Perhaps we will be moved in our hearts by that which moved Him. We may still not be able to explain that feeling. We will know that our life is full of Him. We will be closer to His heart of love.
Bro. Trey
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