
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Odds are good that not every blog post will be worthwhile. I can try my best but there is little doubt some will fall short. Some nights there just is no serious inspiration. Then there are other times when the words flow easily from the fingertips. My guess this is one of the slow nights rather than the latter. Just means it will be a good night to keep things short. Some bloggers seem to hit a home run most of the time when they write. I am content with just getting up to bat when it comes to blogging.

No news to report on dealing with my disease. This is a good, quiet week prior to round three. All of the steroids seem to be gone. We will pick those up again next Monday. Things can't be any harder than it was round two with them. The first weekend following treatment tends to be difficult due to that medication. My hair is somewhat still here. Looks to me as if there is some thinning going on but I am trying to baby my hair. Right now my body feels good with no need for complaining.

Most of today was spent doing house stuff. I try to do my part to make life easier around here. All of the laundry got done this afternoon. I even did some cooking afterward. No one will mistake me for a chef but there are a few things I can cook. Well, maybe it would be better to say that there are somethings I can grill without burning. Tomorrow is the day when my youngest will join me for an adventure to the store. We need to stock up on supplies before the weather returns to blazing hot. Chasing him when the temperature is over 100 is not fun at all. The whole point is that it was a good feeling to just do the usual things around the house.

My hope would be for you to grasp just how good it is to have a day of the usual. Usually we preachers talk about how we should get God to do the unusual. That is our frequent refrain. Sometimes it seems easy to forget the simple joys of a normal day. For me that means a day with no doctors or needles. There is nothing at all wrong with the exciting in life. One drawback is we may think of a quiet day as one that is bad. My quiet day is not bad at all. Tomorrow may be different but God allowed me today to catch my breath. May you learn to enjoy your days no matter how they may go.

Bro. Trey