
Monday, September 20, 2010

There are some nights when my interests are varied when time to blog. Disease and recovery usually take up the bulk of the topics here lately. Maybe it is interesting to some but even my fingers grow weary of typing about that. Please don't get me wrong. I am humbled and grateful to God for His goodness these last few months. Being humble sure seems much easier after going through this process. There are still enough places of pride within my being that are going to require additional growth. But that doesn't mean that my mind cannot see just how blessed this journey is becoming. I knew long ago from experience that there are no guarantees in this life. One of my great desires is to remain healthy for years to continue any maturity developed this summer. This is not a wish just for me but for others who can benefit along the way.

Among my interests would be reading on history or politics. A book on Ben Franklin still needs my attention soon. I saw last week where one of our Supreme Court justices will have a new work coming out in the future. Our current climate in our nation is still fascinating to me. We are even more polarized today than in the 1960s. Each day just offers me more information to scratch the itch of study on such matters. Yet it is also true that there is more to life than analysis from every corner of the political world. We may write on occasion in this area but it would get old very fast.

You may not know that there are many blogs devoted to stuff with being a Baptist. Most of them are pretty good with a few exceptional ones being developed daily. I do go and read through some on a regular basis. There are those that are very much for my denomination. You really do not want to get on their bad side. But there are other blogs that take a different approach to our proceedings. My state denomination is a shadow of its former self. Part of that is due to the very good work of a few bloggers who investigate the dark side of denominational life. It may not always be pretty but it is always a sight to behold. I just do not have enough connections or curiosity to be such a blogger.

So my little part of blogging will just remain being with the usual stuff of life. I do not have enough answers to wrestle with cosmic theological issues. My congregation is not huge but it is doing better. Disease will always be involved in my going on through life from now on. We will just try to bounce along hoping to get one right on occasion. My approach to all of this is that I am just me. God knows there are enough failures for me to work out. I also hope for genuine God given success along the way. Whatever or whoever I am does belong to Him. That will be the anchor for anything else we do write. I can only hope that it is enough.

Bro. Trey