Thursday nights can get a little hectic for me. First thing to do is be sure to blog for whoever may stumble across this web site. Let me go ahead and give you notice. There will be no blog post tomorrow for reasons explained in just a minute. Following the blog comes the sermon outline to place in the Sunday bulletin. We started this a few years ago to make my message easier to follow. No, I don't know if it helps or not but we do try. This week we will take a look at Romans 7. Seeing as biblical scholars debate this chapter endlessly may be a sign that my efforts will seem puny in comparison. Sometimes you just have to throw stuff at the wall in hopes that something will stick. Anyway, this is my plan for the next hour or so. Tomorrow will be a full day of itself.
I get to go to the doctor tomorrow. Monday will be round five so there are labs to do and a doctor to visit. Let me perfectly honest to say how sick I am of doing all of this. My life is ready to return to normal with hair. There really are no words to describe the entire emotional range of the last few months. Thankfully, God let me get some insight the last day or two. Another man in our town went through much of the same therapy as I am now. His took place ten years or so ago. We got to talk about it during our first high school football game. What I did not pick up on is that he was diagnosed with the exact same disease. Yesterday I got to talk to his wonderful wife about both his and my bouts with lymphoma. Today I ran into him while at the school. He is basically disease free since he ended treatment. It may not get any easier but what is six more weeks of the roller coaster compared to the potential for years of healthy living? All there is to do is to saddle up the horse and ride it again until we are done.
Our local high school will be playing up in Northeast Texas tomorrow night. This means that my travel will take me through my hometown. At least it is the place where my school years were spent. The opposing team is the same as our rivals while growing up. It will be a very long day but maybe I will see some people from my past. I admit to always being a little excited about going back there. One friend works at the same elementary where we went long, long ago in the 1960's. Other friends are scattered around the area. This is my first visit back since my diagnosis. One can only hope that my next journey there will be after my hair returns.
The reason we won't blog tomorrow night is just due to my travel. With any luck I can make it home by around midnight. Map web sites say this will be a seventy mile trip one way. Chances are that it will be very late before I arrive back here. Each day is different. Who knew that nine years ago Saturday that our world would change forever? Most people can tell you where they were while watching the events of 9/11 unfold. Everything we thought about how the world operates changed on that day. I can only hope that we do not always need tragedy to move us in new directions. You can be sure of God's guidance even when all that you know is turned upside down. He will direct your paths as sure as you follow the roadmap. That is good news on any day we live.
Bro. Trey
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