Things were very different just ten years ago. We live in a new world both in the immediate sense as well as the global. I was barely still in my 30's upon my arrival here. Now fifty is not too far away. It is a much better goal to have after my diagnosis this spring. George Bush was not yet elected President in 2000. Little did we know just how long it would take for him to either win or be declared the winner. My youngest was four years old. Now he is quite the growing young man. Obviously my head also sported much more hair than it does now. Let's hope that by Thanksgiving there is some return to normal in that area.
Life is a process of constantly adjusting to the progress of time. Computers from the year 2000 are long since discarded as obsolete. Automobiles purchased during that time are either classics or clunkers. We could spend a long time just talking about the differences in cell phones since the start of the decade. Some purchase new phones every few months now just due to the advancement of technology. My journey with illness will be far different than those who walked this path ten years ago. Medicine as well as therapy options are much more effective than they were then. We would not want to miss out on the benefits of change even if the process gets muddled at times.
Even our faith is the progress of adjusting to God working in our life. We continually mature as we stay close to Him regardless of how life changes. The last decade includes the loss of people who meant a lot to me. There is the maturing through staying with God in grief. Some people moved on to other places during the last ten years. Those relationships once close are now dimmer due to distance. New friendships flourish in the march of the days. Life becomes richer because of a new addition to the circle of friends. We would never want to live contemporary life with obsolete stuff. You can't use the old cell phones or computers in today's world. Neither can you expect to remain spiritually healthy with yesterday's faith.
I hope there are those who passed through this congregation who grew stronger in their faith over the last decade. Reality dictates this may not always be true. Some of this may be due to my own limitations. There are other occasions when it may be the result of something within another person. No person can just make another person be better without their permission. You have to decide on whether you will obey and mature. Ownership or responsibility determines far more in maturity than we realize. That did not change the last decade. It will not be any different when the next ten years comes to a close.
Bro. Trey
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