Thank God for small acts of grace. Never miss the opportunity to recognize His goodness in any way that He displays. The last day or so here in our corner of Texas turned out far more pleasant than you could expect for late August. Lately the temperatures averaged well over 100 degrees daily. The question was not would there be a heat advisory but rather how hot would it register. This really is not uncommon for our corner of the world. Summer can last here into October on occasion. Yesterday an unusual cold front actually made it through the area to offer us a glimpse of fall. The change of weather really is a small miracle.
We are a long way from being through with summer. Odds are good that we will return to sultry weather by the weekend. Hurricane season is among us with two storms out in the Atlantic. There really is no need yet to go purchase long sleeve clothes regardless of what the stores set out for us. Just being outside today was at least a reminder that someday fall just may arrive for good. Most of my grass in the yard is plain old pasture grass. We wrote on this at least a few times prior. But there are two places where the grass is really good and green. Well, they were green places until the rain shut down a few weeks ago. This is the second year where my watering efforts seem to be enough to keep those areas alive. Most of the yard is dingy brown to white color. My mower still doesn't need to be started. You will not hear me complain.
I remember about twenty years ago or so there was a similar outbreak of cool weather very early for us. The reason for that memory was I went back and forth to North Louisiana to buy a new vehicle from a relative. The mornings were strangely cool during that weekend. Can't say that my mind has a real clear idea what car it was that came home with me. I do remember it being almost perfect late summer weather.
Anyway, the point is about recognizing small acts of grace. You may have them everyday yet be so wrapped up in stuff that you overlook them. Small acts of grace count just as much as big ones. Being in remission from cancer is pretty cool. But there are still moments that flow through life that can bring a smile to equal that. You can find it in the change of weather. You can hear it in the sounds of children. You can read about it within scripture. You can discover it listening to God's voice. Of course life still has its challenges. Right now is the middle of my steroid regimen. My mouth has a metallic bite to it. Today was a little harder day physically. Not sure if it is effects of treatment or the really hard workout yesterday. But there are still going to be acts of grace that come as a free gift of God.
There is truth to the idea of slowing down to smell the flowers or whatever that saying is. But for the believer there is so much more to this than flora or fauna. We can mix the heartache we feel when others struggle with the ongoing presence of God. We can hug a child which makes everything better. We can have small encounters with God as He intersects our life. We can just stand in a northern breeze that appeared much sooner than normal. Just remember that when you add up all these small acts of grace that you end up with a whole lot of God. That really is a good way to do the math.
Bro. Trey
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