
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tonight will be very short here on the blog. There are still a few loose ends to tie up for tomorrow morning. But it just seems important to mention that my daughter and I will be going to the World Series on Monday. You probably are weary of reading of my devotion to the game of baseball. That is completely understandable. We will try to avoid dwelling on that topic again. What is just amazing to me is to be going to a World Series game. I started watching these games way back in 1968. That is forty-two years of keeping up with the championship of baseball. Now it is finally happened that I can see one of these games in person.

The big thing for me is getting to go with my daughter. We were there only a few weeks ago for a playoff game. Our team lost that day. If we see our team lose again then we may not be allowed to go back. If you ever think about going to see a major league game just let me urge you to do so. There are few things that I love in life more than taking my daughter or even both of my children to the game. I will be sure to get some popcorn along with peanuts during the game. Surely they also sell Cracker Jack at the park. One thing will be much better this trip than the prior one. My last trip was at the tail end of my last week of treatment. Nothing really tasted quite right that day. You can be sure of my enjoyment of all the food we can afford on this adventure.

The best job of my life is being a Dad. Having my beloved game be such a strong bond for us makes it even better. We have something that can last a lifetime for us. Never discount anything you can do as a family together. Our religious life should obviously be part of that equation. I don't mean just simply going to church together. Can you talk about spiritual things when alone at home? This is part of just being a believer in every area of life. You don't have to be deep or profound but just comfortable in being who you are. You may discover how this part of life can be full of joy along with all of the rest. My hope is for you to enjoy whatever you may do with you and yours.

Bro. Trey