
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

One bad habit is coming to my attention as the blog rolls along. My tendency to start off in one direction yet end up going in another troubles me. Seems like there are too many times when my thoughts end up incomplete. Maybe this is not a totally bad thing to happen. Some of those thoughts may not be worth completing. But it is something for me to keep in mind if we keep trying to write. We may have times when there are multiple topics within a single post. But it seems like a good idea for the single topic times to avoid multiple or incomplete ideas.

Part of my problem is yet again due to my personality. My mind tends to multi task rather than focus on a single issue. Years ago I made the discovery that my personality is on the rare or unique side. Please understand that there are several benefits to how God wired me. But any type of personality comes with drawbacks or weaknesses. We don't talk often about this in church yet it is the source of our best as well as our worst. Our normal discussion relates to how God gifted us. This is well and good but it is only part of our story. Believers are indeed gifted but those gifts are expressed through our lives. Knowing our personality is an enormous help in how we live out those gifts.

One of the blessings of knowing why we are who we are is that it relieves us of false guilt that arises on occasion. We are told or even taught how we should behave in terms of our personality. I know this from being an introvert by design and decision. Ministers are often the types of people who are extroverted much like the salesman. But do you ever stop to notice just how many different personality types exist in our world? My opinion is that it is far easier for the introvert to learn how to open up to people than for the extrovert to be quiet. This does not mean that it is easy but only that we introverts have an easier path. You do not ever need to feel guilty in how you relate to others. God wires you to be who you are. He does not ever wire you to be someone else.

Just remember that the experiences of life may color your personality. Someone who lived through painful moments in the past can easily allow those events to drive them more inward than God designed. I also know that the reverse can occur. Some may end up with an unhealthy need for approval due to those remaining scars. Neither of these outcomes falls in line with God's best. Here is why I speak so much on the need for emotional healing from our divine relationship. Think about Moses for a minute. God calls him to a great task early in the book of Exodus. He also assures Moses of success in this matter. What does Moses do? He spends a chapter or so trying to tell God why Moses just can't be the right man for the job. Insecurity in the life of Moses almost ends God's best before it ever gets started. Ever wonder how many great things of God are left undone simply because of our fears or insecurities? My guess is it happens much more than we know.

David writes in the Psalms that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." It may be that you feel more weird than wonderful. Know that you are not alone with this feeling. Part of the journey of life is in uncovering all that God wants to do in you and through you. It sounds almost like a cliche to say you are a unique creation of God. Maybe it sounds odd to us because we have not yet discovered that truth. You will go a long way in becoming a whole believer when you allow this truth to become part of you. My hope for you is that it happens sooner rather than later.

Bro. Trey