
Friday, January 21, 2011

It is a late night for blogging here. Spent most of the evening doing dad stuff around the house. Then sat with daughter to watch some of her latest DVD. NCIS is now one of my favorite television programs. I discovered it about two years ago while watching reruns on some cable channel. The show aired for about four years prior to my finding it. You can watch hour upon hour of episodes if you look carefully. Basically it is a crime show focusing on military matters. We joke that most of the shows begin with a naval petty officer being murdered. One wonders if there are any left in our navy at the rate they are dropping each week. I can usually identify the bad guy within a few minutes just from having watched so much. Now it is becoming an event for the family.

My daughter recently became a fanatic of the show. We own three DVD collections that cover those first years. Not only do we watch episodes but we also now watch the extras that come with the collection. Even my youngest will get in on the act. He knows right away when dad is watching NCIS. Now he is not anywhere near the fan that his dad and sister are. But we do have something else to enjoy together. Maybe it helps that my post cancer hair is almost the color of the central character. I even refer to the way my clothes are matched together as my "Gibbs" look. My view is that it's just a fun thing for us to do. We are also turning some of her classmates into fans. This all may sound silly but we enjoy having another thing in common.

Connecting with people is a process. One writer lists several steps or levels in relationships. We usually move from avoidance to greetings as the first action. All this means is that you learn the names of people around you. Then you discover both common and separate interests. This may include hobbies, experiences or just anything in life. Just because some of the interests are different does not mean you end the relationship. Truly connecting involves the three other aspects of relating. One of these is caring. Here you begin to be concerned about what another person feels or experiences. You also are willing to do what you can in times of need. The second idea is when you share who you are to another person. You take the risk of allowing the person behind the pretending out with another. The last and highest act of relating is intimacy. This does not mean the physical action but refers to emotional or even spiritual openness. Here is where you have no boundaries with a person. Everything is out and in the open no matter how painful or dark.

Most people live within those first four areas of relationships. We never get past what we do or do not have in common. Energy is required to move into those last three areas. Sometimes we are afraid of the risks involved with opening up. Other times we just may choose to remain in the shallow end in connecting. Christian living operates more out of the deeper emotions than the easy. God models this behavior throughout scripture. The ultimate act of his commitment obvious happens in Jesus. His heart is laid bare in the giving of His son. God runs the risk of our rejection even as He shows us the depth of His love. We never ever need wonder how God feels about us. His connecting is far more than common interests. Our invitation is to realize the depth of intimacy found in Jesus. He always offers that knowledge to us. Will we take Him up on this great opportunity?

Bro. Trey