
Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break 2011 is drawing to a close. It would be nice to say that more got accomplished than actually did happen. One good thing of the week is our students going on a mission trip to Arlington, Texas. Departure was last Sunday with arrival back home taking place last night. Sounds like it was a good experience for all involved. If being weary is a measure of effectiveness then our group achieved a great deal while away. It also seems that more than a few of our students faced very unexpected challenges while away. Inner city settings do have a way of making that happen. Let us hope that every lesson learned will stick within their heart and mind.

I am always amazed at how easy being on mission can be. This does not mean any of it is simple. The difference between easy and simple is cavernous. We tend to talk a great deal about doing mission without making the next step in interacting with others. Our students did not require all of the stuff that we adults allow to clutter up our life. I don't think they even have a single committee to study or strategize a plan. Much of their efforts this past week are a result of being thrown into the mix whether ready or not. We would find this a very foreign idea as we want to know all of the possible issues before we begin anything. What you find in the Arlington mission work is how people are trying to respond to needs as quickly as they arise. No one can completely design a strategy for human beings as we usually do our own thing. Mission living is not for places far away or with elaborate schemes. Jesus would carry out His mission one person at a time. An approach like that never goes out of fashion.

God offers to work through you as He works in you. Wherever you are and wherever you go is a good place to be missional. Our mindset may need changing from being limited to plans so we can become open to those in need who cross our path. Mission is not only what we do in places far away. Don't misunderstand me here. Our men and women who are serving in places far across our globe do a wonderful job every single day. We should applaud those efforts on a daily basis. Praying should be intentional for those warriors of the faith. But also hear me say that where we live is also fertile ground for us to do mission. You begin just be remaining open to God's presence to mature your faith. Always be open to the interruptions that may come your way as they may be an invitation to act on His behalf. Let the result take care of itself while you simply be courageous with God's power. You will find that not only will this make a difference in the lives of others but you cannot help but be changed for the sake of eternity.

Bro. Trey