
Monday, March 14, 2011

My idea bank is running low again. But since my last post is number 450 it seems a good idea to keep moving. Being prolific is nothing for me to imagine. I would be very content with quality if not quantity. We do cover a wide range of topics here. You will remember that we really picked up the pace last spring upon the diagnosis of my cancer. My goal was to offer a central place for updates on any progress that might be made. There was always the possibility that it might be a spot to talk about a lack of good news as well. Luckily we were able to write about progress with few setbacks.

News is not going through a good cycle now. That which doesn't depress us just makes us angry. No recitation of the ills in our world is really needed. On one hand, you find places where people are responding to needs created by natural catastrophe. Then you will find occasions where humanity seems determined to destroy everything around them. Neither option is particularly attractive. You do realize that much of our information comes to us with no divine filter? Journalism is based on objective reporting of facts. We who are believers must come to grips with the meaning of the moment. A divine perspective made the difference in relating my journey here. That same idea has to be front and center with all else that we learn.

Being selective in faith is never a good thing. A follower of Jesus can discover how our relationship will touch all that we are. There is an emotional element to faith as we reflect the growing character of our Lord. We have a physical expression of our life when our habits are directed by our obedience to God. Our every area of living can be rooted in trust or faith in the God who saves us. Believers are not meant to live one dimensional. There is more to being a Christian that what we do within the church walls. I realize that you already know this. We preachers develop many ways to say it. Just try to keep it in mind when you process whatever goes on around you. Leaning on God will obviously never isolate you from difficulty. Trust involves the integration of every facet of your being into His care. Life is like our recent news in that it is raw and often all too real. I can only hope you find God's presence just as real if not more so in your journey.

Bro. Trey