Do you ever wonder what is wrong with our world? This is one of those questions that often keeps my mind working even though no real answer will be found. I read tonight of how police caught two suspects in the killing of a young Baptist minister in the Dallas area. Here is a murder that once again defies explanation. Robbery is the apparent motive in this tragedy. Now there is a church struggling with all of the questions we typically ask. Theirs is a grief that is not just theory but reality. Perhaps you also missed another horrific story in the aftermath of the recent Tucson shootings. An eleven year old girl was cut down in the madness of the gunman that day. Her family is connected with professional baseball on several levels. She only wanted to meet her Congresswoman that morning. One unhinged human being will probably be convicted in her death. He remains locked away while her family tries to adjust to life without her presence. We could continue to tell the stories but you can get the picture now.
The second act of sin in scripture revolves around one brother who exhibits no real value on human life. How quickly did man move from disobedience to bloodshed? Once you push aside a healthy respect for God then anything becomes possible. Physical violence is not the only problem we encounter today. Abuse takes on many forms while always being evil. Even the very young can be tortured by the verbal violence of family or friends. Emotional abuse follows along with the words we use with others in anger. Don't mistake this pain as the presence of hurtful words alone. People can be abusive by simply not saying positive or encouraging words to those around them. Loneliness can be just as painful as being attacked. Truth is that feeling alone can have the same effect even if it takes longer to realize.
I sometimes wonder how much the first and second issue of sin can be traced to not sharing God's value on human life. We tend to define people by whether or not they are "pro life" when it comes to abortion. Do not misunderstand me. I do fully believe that life begins at conception. Unborn children should not be victims of self inflicted behavior. But it just seems there could be more to being pro life than our views on pregnancy. God values all human life as having great worth. We matter much to Him. If we are going to be serious followers of Jesus then others should also matter to us. This means being a divine agent to all people who may cross our path. How do you view individuals who wait on your table or take your money at a convenience store? They matter as much to God as you. Even that person who drives you up the proverbial walls has significance to God. Truly being pro life has to include being a conduit for God's life to anyone in your life. You begin by knowing how much God cares for you even with the faults, warts, and sin of life. Only then will you be able to offer that grace to others.
Bro. Trey
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