
Friday, March 04, 2011

Who knew that Pop Tarts could spoil in such a short time? Seems to me that all of the additives should preserve them until the Second Coming. I was lucky enough to take a bite of one before realizing just how completely nasty it was. Chocolate cakes should not have red icing where it was once brown. Most of it was thrown out but not before some of it started the journey into my stomach. Most of today was spent with digestive disagreements that were not to hard to swallow. All remaining Pop Tarts are awaiting deposit into the dumpster. Supper hasn't been so good since my last chemo treatment. This is moving toward the too much information area but it does make for a catchy opening.

The house was invaded this afternoon during my woozy period by high school students on their way to a basketball game. Our guys team from school plays for the regional title tomorrow afternoon. My daughter and her friends went down today to watch them win the semi final. Most invasions are unannounced by definition. Theirs was no exception. One sign was two young men wearing green shirts approaching the front door. Following this was a gathering of vehicles of differing shapes and sizes. Soon there would be six visitors to the abode. Four of the students are female leaving the other two as male. One was Hispanic while another is African American. Here is what pleases me the most about all of this. I applaud any group of young adults who are inclusive in their relationships. Reports are that a good time was had by all. I am very proud of all of these kids in their friendships. Our world could be a better place if we learned from them.

I wrote once before here of my breaking color barriers in one North Louisiana town. It was not my intention but it was just part of who I am. One of the great pleasures of going to school reunions is seeing old friends of all types again. My black friends mean as much to me as any Anglo ones. My hope is that my daughter along with her friends can always remain inclusive along ethnic lines much less any others. Being a mature adult means the ability to look past differences to appreciate the gifts of other people. It is one of the great qualities modeled by Jesus.

It is true that racism or other conflict is not unique to us. So much of what we see in the Middle East is born of violence that spans the annals of time. But it is also true that those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus live with a higher calling. We teach our children the song about Jesus loving kids who are red or yellow or black or white. Our song says they are all precious in His sight. Why is it then we can turn around to call one another names or carry around hatred in our heart? If scripture means that God loves the whole world then we have no option but to do the same. No one says that this is easy. God knows it is neither easy nor shallow. But can you think of a better way to make the world a better place?

Bro. Trey