Our world seems to be in the midst of one revolution after the other. Who could imagine Egypt having such turmoil to the point of leadership change? It is fortunate that the regime change there happened without a large level of violence. Now we are watching Libya go through the same experience. Freedom there is taking a greater toll on the people with a large number of casualties. Other countries throughout that area are going through various stages of upheaval. Stability is hard to come by as people rise up to demand something different from their leaders. News cycles are far from boring or routine lately. One former Libyan leader now predicts the fall of that government in days or weeks. No one seems to know where all of this will lead.
You need to know that people of that region are very different than us in this country. I got to know some guys in college who were from Iran or the Palestinian area. A group of us all became friends with our differences. Remember that part of this time was during the Iranian hostage situation. Passion is one word to define their life. Their zeal was a remarkable thing to witness. This is one reason we can so seldom predict or understand behavior. Diplomats keep trying to arrange a brokered stability in a region flowing with powerful emotion. I am no expert but my faith in the efforts of our government to achieve much success is limited. This is true regardless of what party is directing our attempts to reach a peaceful conclusion. We tend to forget that this is an ancient world there. All of our modern technology cannot erase thousands of years of history.
I will share a question or theory with you. Maybe its just me being weird but it crosses my mind on occasion. We all watched the horrific damage of September 11 on our television sets. Time tends to dull our memories or feelings. Security measures are having a great effect in limiting another physical attack on our soil. But what if those who wish harm on our country found another way to damage us? Oil prices are shooting up on each passing day. Prices for other goods are also on the increase. Some if not much of this can be directly connected to all of the drama we see now on the news. Financial stress can lead to problems just as real as a literal attack. I do sometimes wonder if any of these uprisings are connected to those who would like to destroy us. Maybe there is no real cause and effect. But we may just keep watching to see how all of this touches our economic system.
Let me touch on one last issue related to all of this. You may wonder how these events will touch on prophecy related to the end times. My best answer is that I really have no clue at the moment what if any difference we will see. It is certainly possible we might be witnessing another step in the ultimate end game. It is also very true that none of this is remotely going to turn out as we predict. I will always hold that our source of hope is not going to be found in the news. Lots of change took place since the first big book on prophecy came out years ago. Most if not all of the things predicted did not come to pass. Russia broke apart during their own revolution. China is no longer a backward country but it now leads our global economy. Our times are not in the hands of cruel dictators or people hungry for freedom. This is no time to just guess at what the latest news may bring. It is also no time to fold our hands waiting for a divine rescue. We still live with the purpose of being God's people in His world. That lifestyle rooted in faith is still our best answer to anytime we find ourself experiencing.
Bro. Trey
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