
Saturday, February 19, 2011

How about a rare Saturday night update. This will not take long but it seemed a good idea to write prior to finishing up for tomorrow. The last two days took some interesting twists along the way. You really do not realize how much of a rut can develop until life comes to nudge you from the comfort zone. We put my daughter's old car up for sale on Thursday night in a lot belonging to a church member. Someone had the bright idea of writing my cell phone number down on the for sale sign. So yesterday my phone rang off the hook most of the afternoon. The sale amount was not much but it would be enough to recover some of the costs. I finally sold it to a single mom in our area who needed a car. This is after talking to several different people along the way. I gave her a small discount just because I am weird that way. She told me that the saving would go toward diapers for her young child. This was my first encounter with selling a car even though there are relatives who do this for a living. At least we are able to take one vehicle off the insurance now.

Today was a day to spend outside doing yard work. You need to remember that much of last summer was my time for chemo treatments. My doctor suggested that it would be good to avoid being outside a great deal in the heat. So today it was my pleasure to trim some trees along with mowing up some of the leaves that fall during the winter. This is one of the few things given to me by my father. I actually like being outside doing stuff like that. My riding mower is either dead or in need of a serious operation. You forget the joy of push mowing when you are away from it for almost a year. Tomorrow should be fun with new aches and pains. But it is still worth it just for the time to be out in the sun.

Now we turn to putting the last touches on tomorrow's work. One thought crossed my mind today while trimming and mowing. Could it be that what God really wants is for us to just give our heart to Him? We place such a premium on being busy doing stuff for God but is that the primary purpose? We talk about being involved in doing religious activity but is that all there is to our spiritual journey? We even quote John 3:16 to describe His grace to us when we least deserve it. But can we forget or neglect what that verse tells us? God loves humanity with an incredible, everlasting love. How are we doing at loving Him back? Let's not allow busyness to disguise any barren places in our heart. Perhaps what our God looks for first is whether or not we are keeping our heart open to Him? It may not be easy but my thinking is that it is that simple.

Bro. Trey