Let me start in a whole other direction this evening. I have another web window open as I write. I decided to take a look at the statistics on this blog. Records show it is a long way from being a popular or significant piece of the web. This is ok with me as being famous is not my goal. But would you believe that people from other parts of our world at least stopped by for a view? For some odd reason the Netherlands comes in second to my country in terms of traffic. Who knew I would be read by the Dutch? The always interesting country of Luxembourg comes in at number three. There really had to be some serious mistakes being made by the web for me to get noticed there. This blog even has hits from Russia, China, and Iraq. Perhaps more should be said here about global peace? This may make me nervous now wondering if I should spend time looking over my shoulder for spies.
You can even find out how people find the blog with these stats. Google is number one as far as anyone searching for this site. I do wonder who has enough time on their hands to use Google for this. Someone typed in this site as "bloodspot" which also worries me as to what they were seeking. We do try to avoid controversy with no blood being spilled. Not nearly as many people are checking in here as they did during my illness. This is also acceptable to me. Just do not expect me to wish illness on myself in order to get a new boost in readers. You may not remember that the original point of writing here was to just put down my thoughts on church life. I'm just a guy who grinds away in a small town with no books to sell or programs to promote. It was a good idea to use the blog as a way to let others keep up with my dance with cancer. I was giving some thought to ending this effort until my diagnosis. That possible choice still crosses my mind on occasion.
We will keep writing for awhile at least for my readers in Bulgaria. I have no misconceptions about what this blog is and is not. We touch sometimes on politics but it is not a political site. Sometimes you may read about denominational issues but there are many far better places than this for information about any controversy. This is just kind of a life blog now. Doing church stuff is part of that life so we talk about that. Moving on after cancer is also a daily reality so we will mention that from time to time. One of my rules for life says "it is what it is." That would define what you may find here. Odds are good that it will not ever be terribly exciting. But one can hope it gives a reason to think or reflect. I am happy with that should it happen.
Being famous or anything similar does not have the same attraction for me as when young. That is when you want to be a great ballplayer or athlete. You are not immune from that desire even in ministry. Being on television or achieving great success in church life can be a temptation as well. You think that your sermons should be broadcast to the entire world. It becomes easy to buy into what good friends may tell you about your words. I can confess to having that interest in the early years of being a minister. How amazing is it that work geared toward helping others becomes self serving? I am very content doing the tedious day to day stuff that goes with living in a small town. Money may not ever be plentiful but I know you don't carry that with you anyway in the end. Besides, it is a comfort to know that I'm big with the Dutch. Now that is something worth remembering.
Bro. Trey
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