The blog was silent last week. Odds are good it is like the whole tree falling in the forest alone thing but that's fine. It was just one of those weeks where stepping away seemed like a good idea. Some might say it would be a permanently good idea but we are back. There is no guarantee the work will be any better but one can hope. Even the best of writers or ministers (of which I do not claim to be) may take time out to regroup. Life piles up from time to time for everyone. Those are the times to be sure the focus is on the important rather than the urgent. Stress can create openings for mistakes that are normally avoided. We can let the heat of the moment bleed over to areas of our life. Believers are not immune from this effect. Our sinful side can flare up when the pressure gets to us. We may not want to admit it but it is still true.
The week eventually worked itself out. Lots of time was given to exercise which always clears my mind. Dad duty also absorbed more time than usual but in a good way. Books were read which is a welcome escape during the summer season. We ended the weekend last night at the Rangers game in Arlington. They lost again. I don't think we saw the team win now in several years. We think they won a game up in Minnesota one year while we visited there. My daughter shares my view that perhaps we are a jinx to them for some reason. It may very well be that they do not let us come back at this rate. The three of us still had a great time. The youngest really enjoys going to the games. He may not understand everything about baseball but he knows when to clap and cheer. What more can you ask for?
I do hope it was a good holiday for all. We drove home in the midst of a terrific thunderstorm so our fireworks quota was met. There was enough lightening to make up for the lack of explosives. Every drop of rain counts at this point. Maybe the rain will help stir what little creativity I might possess. Tomorrow is another day so perhaps we can do more serious writing. I realize my efforts here are very small compared to other sites. Just know it is still a good thing for me to write. Maybe it helps keep me sane or not quite as crazy. Until tomorrow.
Bro. Trey
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