
Monday, June 20, 2011

Every so often someone will compliment me for being a good dad.  This is not something said with pride but gratitude.  My hope is that it is true.  Just thinking you do well does not mean that you are.  But it is still good to hear from others.  I would rather be a good dad than a good preacher or minister.  I know that sounds wrong but it is the case for me.  Never overlook the reality of having good kids to make this happen.  Many of the issues that other families face did not happen for me.  This does not make me any better as much as it could be a statement on the quality of my son and daughter.  Thanking God everyday for two great kids does not seem to be enough.  I am no expert at fatherhood but there are a few ideas that shape my thinking.  Let me entertain you with some of these.

1.  Be who you are.  Don't try to be one person as a parent and another as a person.  If just being you isn't good enough then let God change you.  I am indebted to God for lessons learned along the way.

2.  Do the extra or unexpected.  You may have times when just doing your part is not sufficient.  Go the extra mile when the time comes.  Your kids will notice.

3.  Be genuine and honest.  They already know you are not perfect.  So tell them what you learn from failure so they might avoid the same.  You are a human being.  Let them know about grace in your journey.

4.  Stay positive.  If they do nine things wrong but do one right then don't skip over the one.  Children get enough negative ideas in their world.  You can let them know that you believe in them no matter what.

5.  Do what you say.  There are no small promises.  If you cannot come through then just tell them with humility.  Do not let their faces always be ones of disappointment.  You may fail but apologies work two ways.

6.  Depend on God totally.  He is your wisdom when you do not have an answer.  He is your grace when the heart runs dry.  He is your hope when you feel helpless.  He is your strength when you are out of gas.  Never let anything or anyone detract from that relationship with Him. 

Every child is different.  They are all unique and invaluable.  It is our privilege to share their journey.  I know that some may not become all a parent may wish.  But it is also true that parents are not always what God would desire.  None of these ideas are foolproof.  They continue to allow me to accept my kids as they are.  I don't want to make them someone else.  My life is complete if they just be all God wants them to be.  They shape me as much as I may shape them.  That is good enough for me.

Bro. Trey