It is my firm belief that the heat is wearing how the few brain cells remaining. Thinking of ideas for writing just seems to get increasingly difficult lately. One or two flash across my mind but nothing seems to stick or excite the emotions. All of the blame for this falls squarely upon my shoulders. Second guessing myself is one of my daily habits when it comes to the blog. Many of the thoughts revolve around family but we write about that enough. We could talk about the weather but that may only depress us more. Sports is another typical fallback topic that is used too often. Politics is way too messy to be a constant thread. So we just keep aiming at being creative.
Staying fresh is never an accident. You will have to be intentional in order for the creativity to keep flowing. We usually think of life in terms solely of our efforts. Intentional discipline does indeed go a long way in staying close to God. Jesus never says we will somehow wander into abundant life by mistake. He will model how making time for God is not optional for any of us. Notice that the early church also spent lots of time discovering this new life. Luke says they devoted their life and their time to growing in the faith. Is it no wonder the outcome of their mission was an explosion of grace? We tend to spend most of our time planning strategies rather than drawing close to God. Choosing to spend time with God is one aspect of being creative.
It is also true that life or creativity flow from God into our lives. He is the source of abundant living. Just being intentional with no recognition of His part will leave us high and dry. It is the Spirit that blows new life into our being. Scripture brings its fire to our heart when we allow it to speak. We are always in need of receiving His presence to bring life to all we are. Doing the acts of discipline will allow us to be real with God so He can renew us. We learn what His will is concerning our journey. We also discover truth for becoming who He wants us to be. Then we realize our ability to do better is never enough without divine help. Being dependent upon God is a huge first step to being creative and alive. We not only learn with our minds but we are filled with His Spirit.
Being fully alive comes from God. There is much more to it than just finding inspiration for a blog. We find courage to live by faith no matter the times.
Bro. Trey
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