We are trying to deal with some elemental issues of the faith on Sunday mornings lately. 1 John is our point of reference. Reading those words may not sound very exciting but they are important. This one book may say as much to the contemporary church as any other in scripture. John's setting is very similar to ours in terms of the problems faced then and now. Ours is a day of mixed up faith. Some of this is due to a mushiness that exists in some places. People tend to believe what they want to believe without checking it against the truth. Then we have other people who are driven by performance without much thought to the divine relationship. You will never be as good as them if you do not toe their line. Just being a normal believer can get difficult solely between these two extremes.
First we tried to answer the question of who exactly is a believer? John's words are a reminder that sin or failure is still a problem even for the best of believers. Be sure that many who go to church or are even active will measure their maturity by a set of expectations of their own making. People like this are quick to tell you what "real" believer do or don't do. You will find that list often if not always deals with their peculiar sense of religion. John tells us that to say you are without sin is a sure mark of failure. The person who follows Jesus does not focus on their failures. We do not need to look or stress over our sin. We do have a relationship with God where He will be our advocate or defender. Being honest with God as well as yourself will go a long way to defining your spiritual life. There is no failure God cannot forgive except for those we do not being to Him in humility.
Today our topic was on the marks of those who are followers of Jesus. We again needed to address how we practice selective sainthood rather than being real with God. John says that the person who knows God will balance relationship with responsibility. There are indeed aspects of our faith that call for our attention. We also realize that much of being intentional is in response to God's amazing love. People often hear me say that we cannot be who Jesus was but we can do what He did. Praying, quiet time, taking in scripture are all part of the life of Jesus. They mattered to Him so we can be sure they are even more critical to us. But never forget that John reminds us that it is God's love that completes us. Beyond all of our best efforts is a God who desires our full attention. What is great is how that desire never changes in any condition of life.
Being a follower of Jesus may not always be easy but it can be simple. We still need Him no matter how long we are a believer. He still loves us regardless of our success or failure rate. Contemporary congregations are in desperate need of regaining the basics. They often get lost in the maze of meetings and managing the church. I think we forget why we became believers in the first place far too often. Remembering the motive of our salvation may help us enjoy being saved. After all, what good is it to be an unhealthy Christian?
Bro. Trey
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