
Thursday, December 08, 2011

Some nights are good for ranting or venting.  What counts is listening to your words as you do this so you can measure the value of that behavior.  Most people just explode without the discipline of hearing what is said.  You may that your anger or frustration is far off base.  You may be able to decipher what is at the root of all of the emotion.  Anger is a dangerous force in human nature.  It can become the beginning of great movements for change.  Many of our current liberties are born of not being content with how things are at any moment.  But we also know that far too often our anger is the fire that destroys all in its path.  James will write about this in his letter to believers.  He writes that sinful anger leads to decisions which wreck both the one angry as well as those it targets.  Nothing good ever comes of that.

My mind is thinking on some of this on this cold evening.  Perhaps it would surprise you to know that even I can get angry.  Most think of me as withdrawn but be sure that such fire can erupt even from my personality.  There are times in my past when someone is hurtful toward my children that caused violent reactions that I hopefully kept controlled.  Sometimes it may be reading the news that stirs me up.  Let me admit this occurred today while reading about the shootings at Virgina Tech University.  We tend to get so focused on our little worlds that we overlook what goes on around us.  We are content to sit and complain far more than we will contribute to our society in a positive fashion.  Tomorrow will be the aftermath of finger pointing in the media over such a tragedy.  But will anyone take the time to look in the mirror? 

Church makes me angry way too often.  We can say that it is to be a blessing but it also carries the temptation of being a burden.  Don't misunderstand me on this idea.  It isn't always people as individuals that causes the emotion.  Most of the time my frustration is about attitudes or approaches to doing church.  You do realize that the assumption is I am right to be angry about stuff?  We often forget that our anger is as much about our values as it is the behavior of another person.  Here is why sinful anger is twice as wrong in its outcome.  My best suggestion is to filter your anger through scripture and God's presence.  Let the voice of God speak to you about your heart as well as other people.  Make sure you don't compound trouble by throwing your fuel on any fire.  Anger can teach you as much about your heart as it can whatever ails our world.  You may not get to fix the world but you can allow God to fix you.

Bro. Trey