Having time to think can be dangerous. Using the time wisely is crucial in moving forward in the journey. The last week moved me to spend some time in reflection. Not all of my discoveries would be positive. That can be the hard part of really doing evaluation. It is easy to recall anything that is good. Somehow we end up thinking more highly of our habits than may be warranted. Now it is also true that some people will spend time alone with their thoughts to just focus on the negative. This is also not very healthy. Success in times of solitude depends on keeping our heart on God. He sees far beyond our self image. His vision will always be true.
Some of my thinking relates to goals for the present or the future with the congregation. Times are needed for the minister to work out those dreams for motivation. Sharing those ideas will become the source of decisions along the way. Never just come up with goals without having some connection to your present reality. You need to understand everything that is involved in whatever change takes place. Standing still is not an option if you sense a nudge to go forward. You may not always receive what you expect but you can be sure of heading closer to God's purpose.
But much of my thought centers on the past. Reviewing the times gone by can only help so much before it becomes too painful. We all know those individuals who allow their memories to restrict them from finding happiness in the present tense. I decided that it is time to record some of the events from my years of ministry in this place. No names will be given to protect the guilty. The innocent also deserve some consideration from any inclusion. You will be reading of the good, the bad and the ugly over the next weeks. Part of my reasoning is to lay bare how small town church can either rise to the occasion or fall to new depths. I am very aware that the perspective written here is my own. Every situation comes with its unique set of blinders. Maybe someone will stumble across the words here someday and realize what goes into a decision or an action. Agreeing with me is not the goal. If anyone reads the words here then thinks about such matters then that is enough. Just be warned. Brutal honesty is one of the hopes for the posts to follow. Perhaps someone can learn from my many mistakes. That is enough to make me happy.
Bro. Trey
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