
Wednesday, May 09, 2012

If humanity could agree on any one idea it would be that life is difficult.  Such a truth exists whether one is a follower of Jesus or not.  This is not an option for anyone who sets out on the journey of life.  Mankind wrestles with this concept from the beginning of time until now.  Our minds just cannot grasp the reasons for all manner of adversity in our life.  Philosophers write massive works to examine this reality.  Other religions try to rationalize such events.  Other works of literature or various media take their best shot at it.  Despite all of our best efforts to come to grips with difficulty it still remains in some ways undefeated.  Mine is no attempt to give a complete treatise on the topic.  We can focus on something Jesus told us about our painful times.

Jesus told those disciples in John 15 that being pruned is part of the process of spiritual growth.  But what does that mean?  He uses the example of a gardener who trims back excess growth from his plants so they can be healthy and flourish.  In our part of the country, we tend to spend time trimming limbs off of the trees so they can grow tall and strong.  Some people who grow roses prune back the bushes so even more flowers can bloom.  Jesus says this experience takes place even when we are doing well!  Not having problems is no reward for doing things right.  Faith is more than a form of karma.  It remains a living, vital relationship dependent on God to shape our character.  I do believe we need a handle on living with success.  But we tend to get stuck on getting through our pruning times.

One thing to know is sometimes our problems are just problems.  Not everything bad that happens is some subversive attempt to steal our joy.  Be absolutely sure that God is involved in all of life.  He is no bystander to His children.  There are those who will say that surely God didn't know or simply allowed stuff to happen in life.  You may even see it that way and that is allowed.  My view is nothing will occur in my world without His involvement.  God never has to say "oops."  Even the image of Jesus acting as the divine gardener leads us to the image of His constant care and attention.  Even a good farmer doesn't just throw out seed only to tend to the garden occasionally.  I say all of this to lay down a foundational truth.  The spiritual process of pruning is by God's purpose and with His participation.

Such a process can take place in every area of our world.  It is not limited to the religious life or to physical issues.  God may shape our personality by digging into our emotional part of life.  Our attitudes determine far more of our world than we want to admit.  Even our experiences while moving through life may affect us more than we wish.  We may need healing for past pain so we can enjoy the present blessings of God.  Here is another simple idea we overlook most times.  What is painful at the time is God's way to make more room for Him.  I am not trying to minimize just how much it can hurt.  Neither am I trying to tell you to deny that pain.  My words are aimed for you to direct both your mind and heart to God who can handle your hurts.  He can tell you what is going on and why.  He can give you the truth should you be able to handle it.

We can write tons more but will stop here.  Maybe you can get something to help you yield to God's activity even if it is difficult.  You can make such times a blessing when you remain anchored to God.  Just remember He never ever abandons you.

Bro. Trey