
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Storms have a way of interfering with plans of any type.  Last night's display was no different.  Radar was showing the worst of the weather going around us here.  It was wrong.  Things were never really dangerous but we did lose power during the late evening news.  What made matters worse was the transformer near the house sputtered and sparked as the lights went out.  Calling the electric company was possible due to having a charged cell phone.  I knew it would do little good to get all of the lines connected if they did not know we had a bigger problem.  Only my daughter and I were fully aware of the issue.  Everyone else was sound asleep.  So we talked about odds and ends until we finally closed our eyes.  We woke to the sound of various electrical things around the house coming back on sometime in the middle of the night.  I say all of that to point out why there was no writing yesterday.

Having the daughter home is a change of pace after the last few months.  You can read past posts where I discuss how quiet life is when she is away.  Our traffic into the home already picked up since her arrival.  Boxes are still being unpacked with her collection of clothes and such.  It is a reminder of what we were trying to talk about on Sunday night.  What can we do to get into a position where our character is more like Jesus?  The answer like most is that what is simple may not always be easy.  Jesus talks about something called abiding in John 15.  My best analogy is that He seeks to make Himself at home in our life.  This is far more than being a special guest on occasion.  What is important is Jesus is allowed to make our heart into His home.  He will then begin to change our personality in ways we cannot begin to imagine.

We are naturally thrilled to know Jesus.  Most are at least interested in being a follower of His.  But it is a far different ballgame to have Him radically being in charge of both our destiny and our character.  We often tell our guests to "make themselves at home."  We do not expect them to rearrange our furniture or move into our bedroom to sleep.  Actions like that will turn even the most welcome visitor into a former friend.  But this is exactly what Jesus does or wishes to do when He enters our life.  He seeks to take out everything that is not to His liking.  He also wishes to give us whatever is needed to shape our life.  This can be painful at times.  We like our stuff right where it is.  Our minds cannot conceive of anyone just shifting our stuff into patterns we do not enjoy.  But if we invite Jesus into our heart then that is just what will begin to happen.  It is a process that does not end until He calls us home.

You abide when you allow scripture to get beyond the surface of your intellect.  God is speaking to you through His word so you stop to hear what He is saying.  You abide by listening to God as much as you say your prayers.  We may not think much about hearing God's voice but it can and must be done for real maturity to happen.  You abide by letting go of whatever He says needs to be gone.  I know full well this can be difficult at best but it makes a world of difference. You abide by building His truth into every area of your being.  This is not just for your religious life but for every single aspect.  So we are left with that one question again.  Is Jesus simply a welcome guest in your life to leave things as they are or will you let Him be at home in all you are?

Bro. Trey