One good thing about not many reading the blog is you can write almost anything and get away with it. Chances are that no one would ever know what is said here. So let's jump off into the recent developments with gay marriage. God knows tons of websites and writers are offering their opinions on the matter. Don't look for any groundbreaking information here. Maybe something might make you think but we all can use a dose of that.
Let me start by saying that if it comes to a vote that I will cast a no. You can imagine that what follows is not so simple. We really should not be acting surprised this issue is before us now. It was coming for a few years. What was once just a whisper is now loud and clear. But let us also not get caught in the trap being sprung. To not be in favor of gay marriage is not the same as being closed minded or mean. Those in favor of this are laying it out to say that opposition to such an event is bigotry. We cannot afford to become the enemy they imagine us to be. Surely we can hold our convictions without being ugly toward others. Being a believer means knowing how to keep a handle on truth without becoming the monster we imagine the other side to be.
Remember this is much more than an issue. People are involved which means they matter. We cannot pick and choose which sin offends us more than another. Do we forget God loves even the worst of sinner? Our role is to be faithful but always do so in a way that gives us the avenue to witness. I do not know all of the reasons why a person chooses that lifestyle. No one seems to have all of the answers. But we absolutely must be as sensitive to any sinner as we see Jesus being. I know some individuals who are gay. Most, if not all of them are nice people. None of them are as horrible as we tend to stereotype such a group. We do tend to just categorize all types of people according to our views of what is acceptable. We sing about Jesus loving all people. Perhaps we can pay closer attention to our lyrics.
My views are my own. No one can take responsibility for them but me. I would never condone such a lifestyle. Just also know any relationship with those who may be gay are to be driven by who Jesus is without anger or prejudice. God's work can grow no matter what social obstacles come our way. His word always wins out. We can either get thrown off our game by what happens in the world or stay with what is eternal. I vote for eternal every time.
Bro. Trey
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