Getting a daughter ready to return to college is somewhat simpler even if it is no easier the second time around. Last week was the time for taking her stuff back to Waco so she could move in again. We loaded it all back into the truck again to make our way west. Now she is starting classes tomorrow. Routine will become the norm again soon. Life falls back into a sense of normalcy. Maybe normal is not all it's cracked up to be though. Change is hard even for those who say they like it. We take it as a good sign she is doing well in school. Perhaps it does mean we did something right.
Even the weather seems to be changing. Now this does not mean we will not have heat for sometime longer. But there does seem to be a realization that fall cannot be held back forever. You could notice it on Saturday. Rain fell which was a pleasant occasion. When you looked at the clouds they just did not seem the same as the usual summer pattern. We will again complain next summer about the heat. It's what we do. Someone will mention on a wintry day that they are longing for summer. I hope not to get overly perturbed at that comment. Could it be that part of human nature means just never being content? I think so.
God involves Himself in our life to change us. That is the whole reason for the gospel. It is good news that no condition is so far gone that it is beyond change. No amount of sin is beyond the grasp of grace to alter. No point of bad decisions can limit the possible blessing of God that comes by faith. No point of our life is past the miraculous intervention of God for His glory. We see time as strictly linear from one point to another. God sees time in ways we cannot imagine. It will never limit nor hinder what He can do with us. We keep moving forward with the opportunity to build a life with His presence. That truth will never change.
Bro. Trey
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