
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Most authors write daily.  Many of them work at a desk much like other people in jobs.  You find some who have a goal to write so many pages daily.  Other authors aim toward a length of time rather than a set amount of words.  Inspiration is something which happens in the daily drudge of making an effort.  Interviews with writers will surprise you as they may discard or set aside work that just isn't quite up to par.  There may be a flash of creativity which needs more time to percolate into a well rounded idea.  So they keep at it slaving away at a keyboard or with pen and paper.  This is how books are born.

Every writer uses a peculiar approach grown from their experience or preference.  We live in a day of computers but not all books you may read develop from this technology.  One writer told me he used pencil and paper to put his ideas down.  One of his mentors also utilized this discipline so it became part of his norm.  Other writers talk about using plain old pens to compose on notebook paper.  Some other editor reads through the hand writing to get the material in a formal fashion.  You may still find a handful of writers using typewriters.  Surely they protect that tool with serious effort.  Then there is the modern writer who types on a computer keyboard while saving the work with multiple back ups.  My point is that how writers go about the task may differ but the goal is still the same.

Not many people read this blog much any longer.  The last few weeks also became a contest as to when any posting would occur.  Showing up to write is a key to successful writing.  Perhaps some read of my journey with illness only to wander away after my good reports.  No doubt some waited for a new posting until they stopped.  No one can blame them for that.  But we keep trying to say things here just in case someone might wander by on a given day.  Maybe they will locate something in all of the words that can help them along the way.  One can at least hope it happens.  Now that summer draws to a close and school begins next week it is time to again commit to regular blogging.  Someone has to do it.

Most of life is simply about showing up with a good attitude willing to do what is needed.  It may not always be about talent.  Just being faithful goes a long way in shaping a life.  Doing what you can with what God gives you is huge.  Those that He calls "good and faithful" are the ones who understand being consistent.  It may not be a matter of how talented you believe you are but about just allowing God to work through you.  Such is the secret of being faithful.

Bro. Trey