
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday came fast this week.  My last posting was about time.  Guess it decided to take me up on what was said.  Much of it is due to getting back to some aspect of normal after being sick then the holidays.  My list of things to do has more check marks than usual.  Let me admit that it does feel good to be healthier after this last illness.  Two serious health events in three years is more than enough for me.  I am going to just throw out some odd thoughts from the last few days.  They will be odd as they are my thoughts.

  • The second season of the television drama "Dallas" began Monday evening.  It's going to be hard to watch knowing the key character will be lost after a few episodes.  Larry Hagman passed away during filming so they will try to handle that loss.  For those of us who watched the show in the past it will be tough to hang in there.  I fully realize that this is small compared to other problems in our world.  Someday we will write more about why it matters a little now.
  • I realized recently that my usual football prediction posting never made it.  My goal is to write that one at the end of August.  The two teams that would be top of my list then will play this week in the Super Bowl.  There will be no prediction here other than the winning team will be led by Coach Harbaugh.
  • Conversations in Washington again demonstrate the huge gap between political parties.  Democrats seek government solution or regulation of most everything.  Republicans want to just eliminate that agenda at every level.  When the two parties try to seek common ground they are torn asunder in the media.  Most of us plain people in our country are looking for common sense.  Don't hold your breath on that one.
  • My daughter begins her college session in Europe in a few hours.  She survived Turkey with only one minor snafu.  We can officially begin the countdown to her return to Texas.  Getting to see her photos is a big help with coping.  We also got to see her live on the computer the other day.  I would love to see Europe someday.  Odds are good the best I get is Paris, TX.
You can tell that far too many things run through my mind on any given day.  The main thing is to wrap them around whatever God is up to then.  It may not make everything in the world make sense but it does give you an anchor no matter the occasion.

Bro. Trey